Letter from Altona Swim Club

21 Sep 2014 by Anne Rossi

Dear Alligators

As you may or may not be aware our close friends and Thursday night relay adversaries, the Altona Swimming Club, in partnership with Wyndham Swimming Club, are hosting their inaugural swim meet to be held at MSAC on the 4th of October 2014.

The event provides opportunity of all competitive members to participate in their very own meet and also forms an important component of our fundraising structure moving forward. In order for the event to be a financial success for the club we asking for financial assistance. Costs associated with holding and running the meet are quite extensive, to help combat this we are calling for ‘event sponsors’. Each event is open for a $20 sponsorship which will secure the individual or family the sponsorship for that particular event. As a race sponsor you will be acknowledged over the public address system as your sponsored event is contested. After countless hours of behind the scenes work by a few individuals, this is the final piece in the puzzle and is pivotal to the meets financial success.

The ASC is a non profit organisation with all funds raised be going back into swimmer development. It would be much appreciated if as many Alligator members can sponsor as possible and provide a successful event for our “future Alligators”.

The sign up process is extremely simple and only takes a few minutes Please click on the following link to be redirected to our sponsorship sign up page: http://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c0445aba828a7f58-sponsor. Once completed you can complete an EFT to the following account:

Account Name: Altona Swimming Club
BSB: 063101
Acc: 00902541